the issues
Keeping Communities Safe
Shae ran for office to make sure our streets are safe and our kids can grow up in strong communities. He knows that when crime is running rampant, defunding the police is certainly not what’s best for Wisconsin families.
That’s why Shae supported a bill that would reduce state funding to municipalities who cut funding for their police departments.
Fixing Our Economy
Inflation is on the rise and pocketbooks across Wisconsin are feeling the squeeze. Shae fought hard this session to provide historic tax relief to Wisconsin families and stopped Governor Evers’ proposed $1 billion in tax increases and gas tax hike. Thanks to Shae, you are able to keep more of your hard-earned money when you need it the most.
Fighting Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
While Governor Evers has tried to expand welfare, Shae passed a bill that focused on getting people back into the workforce. When nearly every business in our state has a “help wanted” sign, Shae knows we can’t afford to have anybody sitting on the sidelines. Work requirements and drug tests for those receiving your tax dollars are just a few of the other common sense reforms Shae has supported.